This dataset deals on the analysis of US 2012 voters.
Questions answered:
- How many states had a Voters Population % below 55%?. Which states?.
- How many confirmed voters in California were over 65 years old?.What percentage does that represent out of the total confirmed voters in California?.What percentage out of the confirmed voters in the entire country?.
- Showed both Citizen Population and Confirmed Voters by Age, as % of Column Total.What percentage of the citizen population do 45 to 64 years old represent?.What percentage of the confirmed voters population?.
- Create a calculated field named “Voter Turnout” (Confirmed Voters/ Registered Voters).Which state had the highest voter turnout rate?.Which state had the highest voter turnout rate among 18 to 24 year old voters?.
- As a politician seeking to improve voters turnout rates among young adults (18-24), which particular states would be your target?.