
IMDb Movies Analysis

This project uncovers the patterns in movie records.

The analysis answers the questions below:

  1. How has the number of movies released over the last 10 years evolved over time?. Compare the action movies released in 2013 with that of 2002.
  2. How has movies budget evolved across all the genres in the last few years?. Is there any correlation between the genre and budget?.
  3. Is there any significant correlation between the movie profit and the release day?. Which day of the week are movies more likely to generate more revenue when released?.
  4. Which year generated the highest profit?. How much was the profit?.
  5. How many movies were rated PG?. Which movie rating has the highest social media engagement?. Which movie rating has the lowest IMDb score?.
  6. Show the top 10 genres with the most gross revenue?.
  7. Which genre generated the highest profit?. What about the lowest profit?. How much was the total budget for those genres?. How much was lost in Crime movies?.
  8. How has the profit evolved over time across each genre?. Is there any notable change in Documentary movies over some time?.
  9. Which movies have the highest earnings?. Does movies with longer duration generate more reviews?. What are the trends in movie run-times, is there a correlation between movie length and revenue or IMDb score?.
  10. What is the total reviews for movies in various genres?. Which genre has the highest reviews?. Which genre has the least review?.
  11. How has the IMDb ratings evolved over the years across various genres?. What was the average IMDb rating of Animation movies in 2005, compared to 2015?.
  12. Is there a correlation between movie reviews and its revenue?. Does high reviews imply high revenue?.

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